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About Us

We are a reformed church where you'll hear expository preaching and experience genuine community.

Our Mission

“We exist to treasure, grow in, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”


We Treasure the Gospel

We treasure the Gospel, and the good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, because fellowship with Christ is the great treasure of the Kingdom.

We Want to Grow

The Gospel is not just the beginning of the Christian life, but the beginning, middle, and end. We always want to grow in our awareness of what Christ has done for us and what that means for our lives.



We Love to Proclaim the Gospel

Because of what Christ has done, we love to proclaim the Gospel to those who don’t know Him.

Who We Are

Cornerstone Church is a bunch of ordinary people who have been filled with the extraordinary joy of Jesus. Discover more about our church family, as well as our passion for Knoxville.

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Here's What We Value as a Reformed Church

Our values define who we are and determine what we do as a church here at Cornerstone Church.

Applying the Gospel

We desire Cornerstone to be a community that views all of the Christian life—our beliefs, values, and obedience—through the lens of Christ’s person and work.

Expository Preaching

Expository preaching, that is, preaching that explains and applies Scripture in its biblical context, enables God’s Word to shape our lives individually and as a church.

Caring Community

As Christians, we enjoy fellowship with Christ and one another. We want to be intentional and pursue these relationships together.

Faithfully Evangelistic

We desire to cultivate a church culture were every member understands and embraces the biblical responsibility and privilege of sharing the gospel with others.

Praying Together

We desire the life and ministry of our church—individually and corporately—to be dependent upon the Lord through prayer.

Experiencing God’s Presence

The Holy Spirit empowers us for life and mission. As a church, we are eager to experience His presence.


A local church needs other local churches and organizations to carry out the mission which Christ has entrusted to all churches.